Put a Bow On It

Hi everyone! I definitely want to start off by apologizing for not posting this past week. The flu bug has really taken its toll on me and I have not been able to do much the past two weeks. The smell of acetone and polish make me start up a coughing fit :( I'm starting to feel a bit better, however, I still don't have much nail art to show you. I want to have a bit more going on this week, but let's play it by ear shall we?

Here's a mani I completed a few days ago, a simply cute doticure.

Isn't it awesome how the cute bow matches my nail polish? Yup, it's not a coincidence.

For today, I want to share this really cute idea that I learned from the lovely blog Seize the Nail (http://seizethenail.com). Matching your nail art bows to your nail polish! It's definitely one of those things that you look at and realize 'wow why haven't I done this before?!'. These cute bows can be purchased at many different websites, personally I buy them from eBay, and they usually come in an assortment of wild colors. Colors that almost never match my polish lol. Here I'm going to show you how to paint them and how I remove the paint if you want to reuse the same bow.

Just to show you guys, here are the bows I received from a eBay purchase recently. As you can see they came in a bunch of different colors and I paid about $2.00 for the pack (there were about 3-4 more than what you see here in the pack). Now there are two ways you can paint these: using the polish brush or using a small art brush. I used the small art brush because I felt much more in control. There are also little nooks that are harder to get with the polish brush as opposed to the art brush. Art brushes can be purchased on eBay as well.

I started off by painting the outer edges then working my way towards the middle around the rhinestone. Don't worry about getting paint on the rhinestone, you can get rid of the excess paint by using a cotton swab with acetone. I don't bother painting the back of the bow since you can't see it once it's on your nails.

In the photo of my mani that I showed you, I used a matte nail polish, hence the no shine. After your bow is painted and dried, you can definitely add a topcoat to give it some shine.

Cleaning it off is just as easy as painting it and you don't have to worry about ruining your bows.

I poured some non-acetone nail polish remover into the cap and let the bow soak for a few minutes. I used non-acetone only so it can be softer on the bow since it was going to soak for a bit. After about five minutes, I used a acetone-soaked cotton to rub off the polish from the bow.

Personally, I found that the cotton alone wouldn't remove the polish from the indents. I used a few cotton swabs and that did the trick for me. I don't have a photo of the completely clean bow since I deleted it before uploading. The bow, however, returned back to its original lime green state as if it had never been painted.

I hope that you guys have found this useful. Bows are a great accessory to add to a manicure and I definitely recommend picking some up on eBay or any other store. Don't forget to show me your recreations on Instagram, be sure to tag me @roselynn787.


  1. This is so adorable! I would have never thought to do this but it looks so nice!

  2. Love! so cute!

    Found your blog on Bright Side Blog Hop.

  3. This is such an adorable idea! You really nailed it too (see what I did there? c;).
    I really love this look.

