Born Pretty Store: Barbie Decals

Hiya guys. I'm finally at home kicking back relaxing after a very long day. I've been trying to find something to watch on Netflix while I do nail stuff, but can't find anything interesting. Do you guys have any suggestions? I have watched Walking Dead, Supernatural, and Pretty Little Liars about a dozen times each so something new is definitely needed haha. I've actually been so excited to show you this post all day whilst running errands because of all the compliments I received. I'm totally not afraid to admit I get a big head whenever someone asks who does my nails. Enough babbling, let's get to it! Today I'll be sharing with you guys Barbie water decals from Born Pretty Store Item 10694 - D227. That's right guys, Barbie! Unleash the pink.

This might be the most girly mani I have ever done and I absolutely love it. It's bringing back so many fond memories and the need to whip out my barbies from storage, haha.

I know the image is flipped kind of weird but I wanted to show you guys how it looks from a different angle. These are some of the smoothest decals I have encountered. I had a few already ask me if I hand-painted the Barbie symbol. I only wish I could be so talented, haha. The one on my middle finger with the poodle has got to be my favorite from the whole pack.

Below you can see how many come in one packet, which I think is plenty for at least a handful of manis. Personally, I think these make great accent nails so I don't plan on using them on all ten nails at once. I didn't experience any issues applying the decals and was able to have a beautiful mani within a half hour. I probably would of been done sooner, but I kept being impatient and not letting my base completely dry. In other words, don't be like me guys!

These kind of decals are definitely my favorite to use and the easiest among the different kinds I've tried. You simply cut out the pattern, dunk it in water for 20 seconds, and slide the decal onto your nail. Just like a temporary tattoo! Make sure you allow enough time for the base polish to dry before applying so that you don't risk smudging anything. These particular decals don't 'stick' per say onto your nail so you'll have to use a topcoat to secure them.

You can find these water decals in the Born Pretty Store Item 10694 - D227 for $2.29 each. If you use my code ROHG10 you'll receive 10% off your purchase and as always free shipping. Shipping will take 3-6 weeks, I cannot stress this enough. Personally, I'm completely used to shipping taking at least a month for overseas items because the deals are always worth it. It's just something to keep in mind before ordering.

Hope you've enjoyed the post and the super throwback mani.


  1. Absolutely LOVE this! I actually have my nails painted in Zoya Barbie right now too.

    1. Thank you :D I love that shade, wish I would of thought of it for this mani haha.
