Hiya guys! The winter blues are hitting me extra hard this month. Maybe it's just the massive amounts of snow. It's made it hard to leave the house and it's definitely been wearing on me mentally. Needless to say, I have been feeling
a little down the last few days. And so I thought I would cheer myself up by digging into my collection of BTS merch to pull out something I hadn't really touched. Admittedly I am terrible about getting new merch items (especially DVD sets) and then never even opening the packaging. I'm very much a 'save it for a rainy day' or I guess in my case 'save it for a severe depression day' kind of girl. I wish I felt a little bit more motivated because I have so many unboxings I want to share. One day at a time in suppose, since there is no point in beating myself up when I'm already feeling low. So yeah time to kick back and enjoy some long overdue goodies. Today I'm finally sharing an unboxing for the
2020 BTS Season Greetings. Like I said, I'm a little bit behind on this one package unboxing since 2021 released at the end of last year and arrived at my house two weeks ago.
In the world of K-pop, artist tend to release 'Season Greetings' packages at the end of the year for their fans to embrace the upcoming year. It's kind of thought to be a somewhat of a care package and usually always includes some sort of notebook, journal, or planner. Along with a typical stickers, photo cards, and a DVD. With that being said, let's go ahead and get started with the unboxing. Fair warning there are spoilers and a lot of photos ahead so grab a drink and let's get to it.
[ outer box ]
[ making of dvd ]
The packaging for this years Season Greetings was a little underwhelming on the outside for me. Like it's still pretty and has a very sleek look, but compared to the extra mile of other packages this year it feels meh. Considering that a lot of the inner packaging is holo and full of glitter, the outside feels almost incomplete. I can't comment too much on the making of DVD because honestly I haven't watched it. Shameful I know considering it's been a year. The making DVD consists of footage and behind the scenes of the photoshoot for this whole package.
[ free pre-order gift: mousepad ]
So... a mousepad. This was the preorder gift given out from the official Weverse Shop. I don't mean to sound ungrateful at all, I mean it was nice that a preorder gift was included. That being said... I think is like the third mouse-pad I receive as a free gift and as cute as it is... I'm so over it, haha. Really I feel like they need to step-up the preorder gifts so badly because it's either always a mousepad or a cardboard frame. Neither are too appealing for me personally. I much rather have like a collectible pin or something along those lines.
[ 2-page sticker sheet & member ID cards ]
Now we are actually getting to some of the fun stuff! Stickers! Need I say more? There are two full pages of colored stickers included: individual member shots as well as unit and group photos. Now that I am into bullet journaling I cannot wait to use the stickers in some of the pages. Then there are also the smaller ID cards that come one per member. These are pretty small so they kind of feel like the type of photo you would put in your wallet. I'm definitely adding Jimin to my wallet, haha.
[ desk calendar ]
[ desk calendar: back photo ]
Next up we have the gorgeous desk calendar. And I do mean gorgeous! The photoshoot this year was very much glam and soft with some sparkle. It was executed so well throughout this set and the photos used for the calendar are exquisite. They range from solo photos, to units, to groups - both in color and in black and white. The black and white aspect kind of surprised me, I didn't hate it but I would have preferred everything in color if I'm being honest. That being said, the desk calendar is always my favorite item and any of these packages. Mostly because once the calendar years over you still have gorgeous pictures to look at. These specially have that extra touch of adding any and all special BTS related dates. Very cute!
[ mini poster set ]
Not much to say about these other than the obvious. The photo shoot was super cute and I especially love that they made more of a push for unit photos throughout this package. I know my bias is Jimin, but... can we take a moment to appreciate Jungkook?! Holy moly. The slightly curl longer hair on him is such a look. It's like THE look. if there is ever a moment where he has wrecked me this would be it. Oof. Anyway... Focus on the photos Rose before I forget who my bias is. These are like high quality glossy photos pretty much. So they'd really be perfect to frame and put up on your wall or on your nightstand without taking too much room.
[ member greeting cards ]
Speaking of hair... Jin with that mullet. I think all of Twitter had a moment when the promo photos first released and we saw the mullet. But now that I see the packaging as a whole... I don't hate it. Dare I say I love it on him. I think it's just a vibe of the whole photoshoot with the glam kind of really just goes with that look on him. And no other photos really exemptify the glam than these right here. Each member has a photo and alongside a transparent holographic greeting card. It's really different than anything I've seen in other packages and like I said it really goes with the theme. These are simply so gorgeous.
[ random photo lenticular ]
The lenticular photo was a random selection from one of the seven members. I purchased this package through a group order and therefore was able to select the photo I wanted (on a first come first serve basis of course). However this was one of those instances where even though I joined through a group order I didn't get the first one I wanted. I think the number of photos in the pool did not favor Jimin this time and I was simply not one of the first two people to submit the preference form. It definitely sucked and I was so bummed out after receiving my package. But then how did I get Jimin? I basically have the bestest friend in the universe that's how, haha. She was able to find someone to trade with me and ultimately get my bias aka Jimin! I think this is actually the first winter package where I get who I wanted in the end and that makes it so much more special.
[ ringbound planner ]
The highlight of the Season Greetings package is by far this gorgeous glittery ringbound planner. It comes in what I believe is a A4 size with a variety of inserts and photos. What I love about this planner the most is the fact that it is ringbound with a transparent cover. If you look closely there are holographic glitters on the cover! There is nothing that ties this planner to a specific year and can be used at any time for really any purpose. I personally plan to buy dotted paper and use the planner as a morning pages journal.
[ greetings and inserts ]
There is also photo pages in the back that are both in color and black/white. These are perfect filler pages to move around in the planner and can definitely be used outside the calendar year.
Whew, I told you we were in for a long post. But boy was it worth it! Season Greetings packages are really so beautifully done every year and it's something I really look forward to. I cannot wait to show you the 2021 package that arrived a few weeks ago. But yeah going through this package was definitely a good idea for me as it managed to cheer me up a little bit. Let me know your thoughts down in the comments and I'll catch you next time xoxo Moonbaes.
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