Hi guys! The hours today have flown by! Don't you hate it when that happens? It only seems to happen when I have things to get done in a certain amount of time. But if I'm bored waiting to go home from work then every second feels like a million years. Good thing I always have nails on the brain haha. So I'm super excited today because I get to show you all one of the goodies I received from Born Pretty Store. I don't want to overwhelm you with cuteness so I'll be doing another post with more tomorrow. For today though, let me show you what I created with the water transfer stickers they sent.
It doesn't look too shabby, does it? I think water decals are great for accent nails and make a normal mani really 'pop'. They have dozens of different designs in their shop as well so there is definitely a little something that everyone can enjoy. However I don't have too much experience with using them, at least not the ones in this package. Now these are called 'stickers' but they don't really 'stick' if you know what I mean. In the packet you'll find there's twelve transfer stickers and a small file.
On the back of the packet there are photo and written instructions. Somewhere along the way I got a little confused, haha. I can totally admit I tried doing it the first time without reading the instructions, big mistake. I ruined a cute sticker by not being careful. So I do suggest doing these when you have enough time on your hands cause you have to work with each sticker very slowly.
In a quick summary method, this is all you have to do:
- Cut the nail sticker from the pack.
- Pick the size that best fits your finger.
- Cut around the excess white and get as close to the design as you can.
- Dip the sticker into water for 5-10 seconds.
- Peel the sticker from the transfer paper very slowly and place onto your nail.
- Align the sticker onto your as desired and cut off the excess pattern.
- Shape the pattern along the sides of your nail.
Now I don't know about you guys, but the idea of taking a file to shape this to my nail is scary. I really didn't want to end up accidentally filing my nail instead of the decal. The nail file provided is also very small and hard to work with. Instead, I took a small pair of scissors and cut the decal as close as I could to my nail. Once I finally cut away the excess white and have the decal shaped I apply two layers of topcoat. I'm not sure if it was the topcoat I used or just the topcoat in general but the decal crinkled around the edges so be careful.
I only wanted to do two nails with the decals because I thought it was a nice mani this way. Simple but chic! Like I said before, these make the PERFECT accent nail designs. I don't see myself doing my whole hand with them though, that's just me. Another thing to note is if you're new to decals and nail art in general, these probably aren't the best set to start off with. My previous water decals from Born Pretty were much easier to work with, so shop around and read the descriptions in order to select what you feel most comfortable with.
You can find these water transfer stickers at Born Pretty Store #4903_8 for only $1.55 a set. It's definitely very affordable so it's worth a shot. If you use my code ROHG10 you'll receive 10% off your purchase and as always free shipping. Shipping will take 3-6 weeks, but if you're like me, then you'll find it worth the extra time.
Without a doubt, I'm going to be picking up quite a few of these. Practice makes perfect, I'm sure the next time I try these it'll be easier on me. Have any of you guys tried transfer stickers? Did you like them? Let me know down in the comments, I love hearing from you guys.