Book of the Month: November 2019 - One of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus
Friday, November 08, 2019
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Hiya guys! I'm back this month with another book for us to read and talk about. I still owe you guys the discussion post on The Secret by Rhonda Byrne from back in July. There has been so much going on that I never got around to finishing that book. But I am setting big goals for myself as I am wanting to try and finish a total of three books this month. A little ambiguous, I know. The last few months have been such a whirlwind that my life and mental state have spiraled. In the wrong direction. I am slowing trying to take back control and rebuild the habits I want in my daily life that have just went to the waste land since July. Reading feels very fundamental in regaining mental clarity, so I am starting here first. I do plan on having a post talking about my chaotic 3-4 months, because it's important to not just talk about the good but also the bad. I'm not quite ready (especially mentally) to sit down and get into a lengthy post, but I will be soon enough.
Please ignore the fact that some of the decor in my photos look Halloween-ish... it's because they are, haha. I intended to have to post up last month - I had the photos and most of the post written and then... it sat in my drafts folder. Along with an embarrassing amount of other posts. Sigh. But let's actually talk about this book because I'm really excited about this pick!
First things first, this cover is everything. I think one of the immediate things that drew me into this book as I walked around Barnes and Nobles was the cover itself. Please tell me I'm not the only one reminded of Pretty Little Liars?! Back in the day, it was one of my all-time favorite TV shows though admittedly I never read the books. Shameful I know. Still the series makes the rounds on my Netflix every once in a while when I get in the mood to re-watch it from start to finish. Maybe call it a guilty pleasure, but I definitely have a huge appreciation and love for YA (young adult) genre novels and TV shows.
Thankfully the cover was not deceiving whatsoever unlike the characters in this murder mystery dun dun dun. I'll stop being lame now, haha.
One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus immediately feels like a book that will just drawn me into the mystery. Judging from the synopsis of this book it ends up feeling like a cross between Pretty Little Liars and Breakfast Club. The standard 5 highschoolers going to detention only one doesn't make it out alive. So it's your basic 'who dun it' and I am all here to find out the killer.
Tell me what you guys think about my pick for the month! I will be revealing my second pick for the month sometime next week and then doing a book chat by the first week of December. Please let me know if you guys have read this book or seen it around. I'd love for you to join me in the discussion once I finish it up, especially because I believe this is one in a series of three books now. I'm actually brewing up a cup of hot chocolate as we speak and getting ready to dive right now!
Also if you have any other book recommendations let me know below. Until next time <3
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