Hiya guys! I'm back after a little bit of a break due to both mental exhaustion and the flu bug that is going around. I've had photos for posts ready for weeks, but when it came down to writing the posts out I was drawing a serious blank. Not good or fun. I'm hoping that within the next week or so I'll be back to my same ol' consistent self. Cause losing my posting streak really blows and it's pissing my off, haha. But this is no time to be angry because it's Valentine's Day and we got to feel the loving. I have another perfect nail art look for the special day or really any day. We are talking about heart leopard print nails of course! It's a super cute and fun to wear no matter the occasion.
This is one of those nail looks that I have literally wanted to do for years but never got around to it. I was inspired by the fabulous NailStorming on Instagram and hopefully I did her original design some justice. Right now I'm really into mixing and matching different elements - whether that be designs or finishes - so expect a lot of that style in the upcoming weeks.
Here's a breakdown of the tools and polishes I used to create this nail art look. As always please keep in mind this is just all the stuff I personally used, all of them can be easily substituted.
- Polishes Used - Inm Out the Door: White Porcelain, Zoya: Tina and Carter, Sally Hansen: Orchiding Aside
- Dotting Tool and Winstonia Berry Wine Brush
- Top Coat: Sally Hansen Big Matte
Forewarning on the video tutorial, I sound like a frog has made a home in my throat. It's bad. But this is the kind of thing that happens when a person puts off doing things. And this was actually me after a few days and feeling a little better for the most part. I didn't even have a sore throat, but whenever I have a cold I manage to lose my voice. Hopefully it's not too difficult to understand or hear me.
As I mentioned before this look was inspired by one of my favorite nail artist NailStorming on Instagram and it was created as part of a collaboration for the wonderful Tracey (@tbellew18). I haven't been part of a group collaboration in a while so I'm so happy I was invited to take part especially because Tracey is just such a lovely person in our little nail community. I'm glad though that I was also able to make this into something I could still share with you for Valentine's Day. Cause you guys are important to me too, ya know? Now I'm hoping I can pull off one more nail design in time for Valentine's Day, but I'm not sure cause it's getting awfully close here and I got nothing. Like I tried a little something last night and things didn't go as planned to say the least. I should've have even tried to be honest because I was coughing more than I was painting, haha. Anyway I hope that you liked this nail look and maybe even recreate it yourself! Fingers crossed I get another mani done and until next time xoxo Moonbaes! Bye!
Great manicure. Happy Valetine's Day :-D