Hiya guys! I'm finally feeling a bit better after having a long weekend of rest and relaxation. I even ended up cancelling on some movie plans so that I could just stay in bed. And it was a horror movies so you know I must have been real sick to miss out on that, haha. It was a tad bit boring at home, but I at least managed to get some recording and photos taken. As if I would really just stay in bed even when I'm supposed to rest. This does mean you guys get to look forward to a plan with me video this weekend (I hope). I also have tons of unboxing posts for packages I have been receiving the past few weeks. Both BTS related and not! A little something for everyone to enjoy and speaking of which this posts definitely combines two loves. BTS and stationery goods. This gorgeous stationery set is from the BTS fan artist site Esu_N_, which I'll be sure to link all her social media at the end of the post. This was part of a group order done through one of my favorite GOM Hales on Twitter. The concept of group orders can be a little daunting when first getting into them, but if you would like me to explain and make a post please let me know. I'll be more than happy to bring more people down the rabbit hole with me, haha.
This group order ended up being a last minute decision since I'm trying to cut back on expenses, but now I am more than happy that I ended up joining. Despite the fact that I don't need another notebook, haha. Part of me wishes I would have ordered two... so I could have one to use and one to store. That is probably the most hoarder-like thing I have ever said on this blog, but I feel somehow you guys will be with me on this. Like... I couldn't possibly use a notebook this cute, right? Please someone agree with me so I can feel a little less like a TLC special waiting to happen.
A6 Notebook | Front
A6 Notebook | Back
Let's take a moment to appreciate how breathtakingly gorgeous the two scenes are. I'm awe-struck. Seeing this alone makes the whole set worth it in my opinion. The artwork is inspired and based on Jimin's (my BTS bias) two songs Serendipity and Promise. Both are really serene peaceful songs and I highly recommend you checking them out even if you're not into K-pop per say.
The inside of the notebook (photo below) has a grid space layout, which I really love these days. Actually my favorites are a toss up between grid and dot paper for me. Basically anything but blank pages I can make work. With no guideline whatsoever I end up with a ugly mess going down the side of the page instead of straight across. I haven't done a pen test though as I'm typing this I realize I probably should have. At some point I'll muster up the courage to actually use the notebook and then I'll post an update.
A6 Notebook | Inside
15mm x 5m Washi Tape
The other main part of this set is this gorgeous matching washi tape. Now I do say matching very lightly because I don't feel like the washi did the notebook any justice. Like the night scene portion of the roll does well to capture the same vibe, but the rest of it doesn't feel like it flows together right. Maybe that's just me being a huge sucker for the daylight scene with the yellow balloon. It's still a cute washi tape nonetheless and does have the cutest of calico cats. Part of me wishes it would have been two separate washi options instead of the one with the two flowing scenes. Like I said, I'm being a bit nit-picky for some reason. I still really like the concept it ends up having and I plan to use it tons. Funny I won't use the notebook, but have no problem using up the washi tape. Go figure that one out, haha.
But I almost forgot to tell you the the best part... It glows in the dark!
Jwimin-ssi Mini Keychain
And lastly we have this cute little baby chick key-chain! I know this may seem a bit off, but a baby chick is offered associated with Jimin because of his puffy cheeks and the shape of his lips. For some reason I completely forgot this keychain was part of the set until my package arrived, haha. It's like all I saw was cute notebook and I was like buy-buy-buy and didn't pay attention to anything else. To be honest the keychain is anything but the selling point in the set, but it makes for a cute accessory nonetheless and I'm glad I have it. I have already clipped it onto my daily planner since I felt it was too dainty for my actual key-ring.
That's it for this small but very cute group order post! I'm glad I was able to share it with you guys and like I mentioned before I will have quite a few more in the upcoming weeks. Especially BTS related merch (both official and fansite goods), so I hope that's something you can look forward to seeing. I have linked the artist down below if you'd like to check out her work, I believe she does sell stuff from her store front not just in group orders. Well that's it for now xoxo Moonbaes.
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