2021 Word of the Year: Create

Hiya guys! It's that time again where we feel super refreshed and ready to become better versions of ourselves. Making lists, making resolutions, making goals for the fresh new year. And let's not forget we are out here making new purchases to go along with our new healthy habits. Just so that in about a week, maybe a month if we are really lucky, we can crash and burn. I'm no better at any of this believe me, this isn't sarcasm for once. Because it isn't motivation or dedication that's going to make sure I workout. Oh no. It's going to be that overpriced teal sports bra and matching joggers from Target that will make sure I am getting my grind on. You know the one that I won't even wear cause I feel it makes me look fat, but refuse to return cause I will totally fit into it once I can get started on these jumping jacks or squats. Yup, that was sarcasm. And unfortunately for me also a reality. But as we leave behind the worst year we have all experienced, I want to strive for a better (not by any means perfect) me. Even if it just means I skipped the second portion on my Panda Express order it's still an improvement in the right direction.

2021 Word of the Year: Create

Starting last year I opted to go the route of choosing a word of the year versus making a list of resolutions. In the end it turned out to be a better choice since 2020 would have squashed my list in one swoop. This year I went for a little bit of a different approach... I did it all, haha. Word of the year, resolution list, goals list. Yeah, I went overboard. But we are still experiencing a pandemic and I have a lot of time on my hands being stuck at home. I even went as far as starting a whole bullet journal though I thought I had sworn off that style of planning a few years ago. Psst tell me if you'd like a look at that. For today though I will just be going over my choice in word of the year and my thought process behind it. Like I said, I have been stuck at home a lot so the thoughts are a plenty. Ignore the rambling I guess is what I'm saying, haha.

2021 Word of the Year: Create

Last year I chose the word Consistency... oh the irony that turned out to be. To be fair, I started off on point with updating my blog and social media. I had things scheduled - heck I was ahead of schedule on the back end of things. But things quickly fell apart as Covid-19 decided to rear it's ugly head. And while I have not been affected by it health wise, other health issues both for my family and I occurred last year. Including my mother getting Bell's Palsy a second time and my father having quad-Bypass surgery. So yeah the word consistency wasn't even in the same universe as me last year. 

But even before this all happened, choosing that word felt really heavy on my shoulders. Like there was so much pressure in my mind to stay consistent or else I would feel like a failure. And then once I missed a personal deadline I had set for myself it felt like it was a lost cause to get back on track. It was an endless circle and once things started getting rougher mental health wise it was easier to just say 'fuck it'. 

2021 Word of the Year: Create

So fast forward a year later and here we are with me choosing 'Create' as my Word of the Year for 2021. Seems a little weird, right? Just a bit odd. Trust me, I thought the same thing. I wanted to change my word, almost did a few times. Heck I tried to for the whole month of December to think of a word that would better encompass what I feel. All roads led back to this word. Because I want to create more nail art. I want to continue creating a solid story for my novel from two years ago. I want to create better eating and fitness habits. I want to create more videos for my YouTube channel. The act of creation felt like the root of all my desires going into this fresh new year and so what the heck!

bring (something) into existence.

So what's the plan for 2021? Create! Whether that be a blog post, a nail art design, a chapter in a novel or heck even just sitting down to paint. The only goal right now is to come out of each day feeling like I created something. And I know we are less than a week into this year, but so far so good haha. Even on the days where I haven't felt exactly high energy I have found a way to keep true to my goals. I'm definitely hopeful that this will mean more artsy and video content, but I also don't want to put that pressure on myself. It's all about feeling what you are doing and putting your honest energy into it. Otherwise it's gonna be the poops, you know what I mean? I hope you know what I mean or else that turned really weird, haha.

2021 Word of the Year: Create

So that's my word of the year, now tell me what is yours? I honestly don't know how well I will do with mine or how long this 'new year high' will last. All we can ever do is simply try. Hmm maybe try should have been my word instead, haha. But choosing the word create feels right because of how abstract in nature it is. With how unpredictable things are in the world right now the last thing I need to do is set myself for more of a mental beating. And hopefully this new word of the year will have me sharing more content with you. Especially content that is creative and fun! Stay safe and well, xoxo Moonbaes.

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