Glam My Mani Nail Vinyls Review

Hiya guys. How's it going? It's been a long few days, but I am super pumped because I brought tickets to Antman this weekend. Any of you guys catching that? I am obsessed with all the superhero movies. Anyway for today I have a bit of an overdue review on some fabulous nail vinyls from glammymani. Vinyls are seriously some of the best tools in my arsenal. As long as you have patience to let the base polish dry, you'll be in quick mani heaven. Needless to say I was extremely excited to receive some for review.

Glam My Mani Nail Vinyls Review

glammymani has these and many more vinyls to choose from, but that's not all. There are also studs, foils, and various tools for your nail art adventures. I noticed they also have a clean-up brush in their shop so I'll be getting myself that asap. A girl can never have too many clean-up brushes!

Stripe Nail Vinyls
GlamMyMani - Stripes Nail Vinyls
GlamMyMani - Stripes Nail Vinyls

Stripe nail vinyls come in a package that includes 274 straight nail vinyls in mixed sizes. Definitely one of the most common shapes in the vinyl universe, these are the ones I end up using the most. I love that this package comes with so many because you end up going through a lot in just one mani. You'll be seeing a lot more use out of these from me in the future.

These are available for a reduced purchased of $5.00.

GlamMyMani - Stripes Nail Vinyls

Bow Nail Vinyls
GlamMyMani - Bow Nail Vinyls
GlamMyMani - Bow Nail Vinyls

Bow nail vinyls come in a package containing one sheet for a total of 50 bows. I loved these from the moment I laid eyes on them. Freehand bows have never been a strong point for me so these are straight godsend. My only wish is that they would be available in smaller sizes. Those with smaller nail widths will find yourselves overwhelmed with the bow size. Other than that, you will love these for their ease of use. The vinyl leaves behind such a crisp imprint on your nail, it's really impressive.

These are available for a reduced purchased of $5.00.

GlamMyMani - Bow Nail Vinyls

Chevron Nail Vinyls
GlamMyMani - Chevron Nail Vinyls

The chevron print design comes in a package that includes 160 vinyls. Again, I love the mass quantity that these come with because you do end up using quite a few in one mani. This pattern is one of the classics and common to see floating around the nail community. I have used this particular kind of design from different sellers and this one is right up there in terms if quality. It leaves behind very crisp and clean lines so long as you stick them well.

These are available for a reduced purchased of $5.00.

GlamMyMani - Chevron Nail Vinyls

Heart Nail Vinyls

Heart nail vinyls come in a package that includes 100 vinyls. Like with the bow designs, these are so perfect for those of us who aren't great at freehand. I love how they fit across my nail, but you can see on my pinky that the width was almost too much for the whole heart. What I really love about these vinyls (and the bows) is how it acts like a stencil and has free edge to easily peel it back. Definitely a huge plus and it's not something I have seen a lot of other vinyl creators do.

These are available for a reduced purchased of $5.00.

Spike Nail Vinyls

Spike Nail Vinyls come with two sheets for a total of 60 spike nail vinyls. Previously to these I had been looking for vinyls with a deep 'V' shape like this for a long time. So excited to finally have them! It's definitely a tricky shape to place due to the length, but it's all about getting the hang of it. Like all the previous vinyls, these also apply really well and didn't give me any issues.

These are available for a reduced purchased of $5.00.

Overall I did like the selection I received because I found most of them to be unique to me (aside from the straights and chevrons). I did find the adhesive to be a good balance of sticky, but not enough to pull your base polish right off. Typically I find myself sticking the adhesive side onto my hand first to remove some stickiness, but that is not needed whatsoever with these. As I mentioned the design for the smaller vinyls are really fantastic for easy peel backs. If you haven't checked out the glammymani shop definitely stop by. There's also free shipping on all orders, which is always a huge bonus to me (more to spend on vinyls!!).

Have you tried this vinyl creator before? Let me know down in the comments which shape is your favorite!


  1. Those are adorable! I love the deep chevrons!

  2. So cute!! And omg those bows!! I need them

    1. Right?! I think those bows are too freaking cute.

  3. I love the chevrons! Super cute.

  4. Love all the manis you did with them! I Especailly love the bows but prob too wide for my little nail beds lol

    1. Yes, that's the one bummer about them. I definitely hope they decide to do some smaller ones in the future.

  5. That last one is my favorite! LOVE that!

  6. These are all so pretty! Ive always wondered how you peel up vinyls that don't have a free edge off the nail. Seems like it would mess up a mani.

    1. I have tried it with other vinyls and it's definitely not an easy task. Most of the time not worth the trouble. Definitely have a huge appreciation for these after my experiences.

  7. Gorgeous manis and the bow one is so cute!

  8. Thanks a lot. You really should, they have been so helpful. I remember the days of trying to do chevrons with masking tape and zig zag scissors lol.
