Hiya guys! I cannot believe I am finally getting around to writing this post as I've had the photos well over two months now. Between being sick and all the mayhem of concerts this post kept being pushed to the back of the queue. Thankfully I have all the time in the world now to get to typing, haha. Today I'm sharing a BTS related group order Color Greetings of Jimin from the fansite Prussian Blue. This is a whole package that includes a lot of posters, photocards, and calendars amongst other things. Usually around the time of an idols birthday and also the end of the calendar year fansites will release a lot of photobook packages or season greeting packages. I plan on doing a post explaining the world of group orders and how it all works a little later on. For now the main gist is fansites create and sell goods using photos they've taken through a group order manager, which is the person in charge of getting the goods from Korea to the US and to your hands. That's the very basic premise of it, but like I said it's something I would like to go in-depth about in another post. The world of group orders definitely changed my life in both a good and bad way. Mostly bad for my wallet if you know what I mean, haha.
I told myself that things would be different this year (meaning 2019) and that I would not join as many group orders. It made sense at the time since 2018 was when I first got into group orders and I ended up going a little nuts. But 2019 was going to be different, I was experienced after all. I didn't need 6x Park Jimin desk calendars. Welp. The good news is that I didn't get 6... but I still ended up with 4 or 5. At this point it's all one big buying blur! I didn't even realize I had purchased so many until I started getting the shipping costs and suddenly I was like... hmm I messed up. We'll have to see at the end of this year how well I end up doing. Fingers crossed I don't end up doing worse and have like a dozen calendars and photobooks arrive at my house, haha.
Color Greetings of Jimin | Cut Photos
Ah, my heart has such a weakness for film strip style photos like these! The sizing on these is so freaking on point (nice and compact) and the paper is sturdy enough to be able to throw in a notebook without fear of it getting crinkled easily. And speaking of which, these are perfect to slip into a notebook, journal, or a planner as a cute piece of decoration. Or even use as a bookmark in your current reading book! Also these are printed in a matte finish, which to me adds a nice touch to the photography and deco aspect. You know your girl right here loves anything and everything matte.
Color Greetings of Jimin | Pop-Up Desk Calendar
How adorable are both of these?! Not to mention it's a pretty unique style as far as desk calendars go. I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting these in the package. It was definitely listed, but I just didn't pay attention haha. I believe I saw the words 'desk calendar' and thought something in a different style (like the one you'll see later in the post). But I love the way these look. Very different and I like that the year is split into two different stands with different photos. And for those who bullet journal, I feel like these photos can easily be cut out and put into a spread once the year is over. It's a little flimsy on the desk, but folding it a little harder seems to help for the most part. Not the sturdiest, but it gets the job done.
Color Greetings of Jimin | Keychains & Pin
These were some of the items I was looking forward to the most. Especially that pin! I'm positively obsessed with pins lately. This one in particular is a fairly larger pin than average and it also has that matte finish to it. Plus the photo chosen for it... Swoon. All the key-chains are super cute and unique as well and definitely nothing that I already own. I didn't start collecting pins or key-chains until very late so I'm really excited to add to my collection with these. They are going to be perfect to add to my bag when attending concerts... in the very distant future, haha.
Color Greetings of Jimin | Calendar Photocards
How freaking genius are these photocard calendar combos?! First off the photo selection for each and every one is utter perfection and includes some of my favorites. And after the year is up I can still continue to use these for the photo front of it. Whether that be using it in a phone case, wallet, or planner - heck even putting them up on my wall. I cannot express how much I love looking at these and using these in my planner.
Color Greetings of Jimin | Point Book
I'll admit this is probably my least favorite item in the whole package because it feels a little odd. Like did I need a whole book on close-ups of Jimin's lips, nose, or hands? No. Do I like it? Yes. Is it still weird though? Yes. It's definitely a cute idea for a photobook, but it's nothing that super appeals to me even as a mega Jimin-stan. I like how I say this but yet I'm one of those fans that squeals every time I see the nevermind tattoo. But honestly I can't even see myself looking through this book more than once. It's a shame but maybe I'll put it aside for a future giveaway.
Color Greetings of Jimin | Post Card Book
post card inside book
Another item that I wasn't quite knowing what to expect, but I'm more than pleasantly surprised. first off all the photos are in black and white and I feel like that just adds such a powerful aesthetic. There is I believe 10 photos in the booklet, each one taken by the fansite from a performance or event. Definitely one of my favorite items here though I don't know if I'll tear the pages out of the booklet. Like I know their meant to be like postcards, but I don't think I can get myself to do that haha.
Color Greetings of Jimin | Posters
And what package wouldn't be complete without some gorgeous posters?! The one on the right side... wowza. That's a photo taken by the fan site during the Mic Drop performance at one of the Love Yourself Speak Yourself tour stops. This performance features all the members including Jimin wearing custom Dior outfits. These outfits are so powerful and memorable, I'm so glad she chose this one as one of the posters. The poster with his hand is definitely adorable, but again I'm just not a fan of close up body parts. Like I love Park Jimin, but I don't want a photo of his little hand on my wall haha.
Color Greetings of Jimin | Scheduler
I think we all can agree that your girl here can appreciate a good planner, haha. The scheduler is on the lighter side, so it ends up being the perfect book you can throw in your bag on the go. I also like the sizing of the book, it's wide enough to make writing in it comfortable and legible. There's nothing worse than trying to write your appointments in a super tiny planner. Another plus is that this book is undated! I can basically start it at any time and I can use it on a month to month basis as needed.
Color Greetings of Jimin | Calendar
And last but not least we have the larger scale desk calendar that has the month on one side and a full size photo of Jimin on the other. These are my favorite kind of calendars to receive in my group orders! Even after the year ends, you can simply put the favorite photo of Jimin on your desk. I'm not ashamed to say I have one of last years calendars on my nightstand with his photo facing my side of the bed, haha. But yeah this is definitely the highlight of the package and I'm super happy with it. I wish I could show you all the photos for each month, but I feel like I've already bombarded you guys enough. That said, the photos chosen are fantastic, some of my favorites from the years events. Super super happy with this calendar.
Whew. Now that was a lot of Park Jimin in one single post! And I'm certainly not complaining! Though he's definitely not making my heart condition feel any better, haha. One look at Park Jimin has my heart doing somersaults. This was definitely one of the better purchases I made in terms of Jimin centered packages. For those of you into K-Pop, have you ventured into the world of group orders? Like I said before, because I'll be posting a lot of group order unboxings I want to make a post covering and the ins and outs. if you have any questions on the topic of group orders please let me know and I'll be sure to include it in my post.
I hope you guys are safe and well and I'll catch you next time xoxo Moonbaes.
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