Digit-al Dozen - Spring Week - Day 2

Hiya guys! It's Day 2 of Digit-al Dozen week and I'm continuing my mission to floral all the things. I'm actually really excited about this one because it's been my first attempt at sunflowers in about two years. It's kind of funny, I almost didn't do sunflowers this week because in my mind I had attempted them 'not so long' ago. Then I started to look back through my photos and realized just how long it had actually been. Yup, definitely overdue but I am not disappointed in the outcome whatsoever and I hope you aren't either!

I'm aiming for using a lot of shades that I wouldn't normally use, like greens and yellows. Normally whenever I sit down for nail art I end up reaching for the same blues and purples. Well this week I'm making a solid effort at not doing that... as much. I mean it'll still happen, but so long as it's not a week long blurple fest I'll be happy.

One thing I learned about doing these was the beauty of imperfection. Are these realistic looking sunflowers? Nope... but I am still incredibly pleased with how they turned out. As a mental note though, next time I attempt sunflowers I'll be doing them much bigger. I'd love to see this design as a full nail coverage design! Maybe one of you guys can recreate it (remember to tag me)!

Now here's a break down of everything else I used to create this mani:

Video tutorial with voice-over! On the road to 500 subs, we can do this!

I have to apologize now for my slightly off center nail position in the video. I'm still struggling with my new angle, but honestly you probably didn't notice until I said something. Now you're probably going back to the video and saying to yourself, 'Dang, she really was all over the place' haha. But that aside, I hope you guys like the voiceover, I can't promise every video will have it but I'm making a solid effort. If there is anything you'd like to see implemented in my videos let me know!

And that's it for Day 2, let me know what you guys think of this look! Be sure to check out what the other ladies from the Digit-al Dozen came up with for Day 2 of Spring week.


  1. Gahhh, I die! These are perfect!

  2. Superb. Love the brightness of this mani :) Nice video tutorial

    1. Thanks so much. I'm so glad I decided to go with a green base then one of my typical go to colors.

  3. OMN this is super awesome!! You rock that green girl! <3

    1. Thanks so much! I don't know why I haven't used this shade more often. Going out of my comfort zone has been so much fun.

  4. These are amazing! I completely know what you mean about reaching for the same colors constantly for nail art. Sometimes I have to force myself to reach for colors I normally wouldn't.

  5. Super cute, I love the color combination you chose!

  6. Thank you for a great tutorial! I love this look and will try it myself :)

  7. This mani totally makes up for the dull weather we've been having here, thank you <3

  8. These are so cute!! I love the colors that you chose!
