Hiya guys! I'm back this week with another sort of late post and definitely kicking myself for it. My mind has been a scattered mess ever since the announcement of the new BTS tour. Combine that with only being able to sleep 3-4 hours every night and I have been a living zombie for the most part. I'm hoping to do a little bit of double-posting this week to get myself back on schedule, so I guess that's one thing to look forward to. Most importantly I need to fix my sleep schedule and if I succeed maybe I can even share my tips and tricks. But I am getting way off topic here (blame the insane amounts of coffee in my system), I digress. Today I'm sharing a little Target haul that I recently went on for Valentines Day! Like most of my hauls so far this one is on the small side, but it's still full of a lot of cuteness.
I think I have mentioned this before in one of my previous hauls, but I'm not one to decorating the house much for holidays. I like to keep things minimal so like a little sign here or there and 2-3 items to put on tables. Most importantly I need to have a mug, haha. In the past I think most holidays or seasons I end up with more mugs than any human being could possibly use in a lifetime. Believe it or not though I didn't have any for Valentine's Day, but I stuck to my minimalist style and only purchased one. I tried to stick as much as I could to the Target Bullseye's Playground section, but did wander a bit into the housewares section. Although I did see a few more things here and there - especially in the dedicated Valentine's Day section - I couldn't justify picking them up.
Opalhouse | Heart Bowl, Stoneware Mug, and Crocheted Trivet
We are starting off with my favorites items from this haul. Not only are all three of these extremely cute, but I found these items really well priced for the quality. None of these are from Bullseye's Playground, but were instead found in a display at the housewares section. I believe there were a few more different dishes and mugs available as well, but these were the ones that caught my eye the most. Especially the mug! It was a little pricey coming in at $5 for just the one. There were a few mugs in Bullseye's Playground that came in double-sets like for couples priced at $5, but I definitely couldn't stand the designs. Actually most items felt very centered on the word "love" in Spanish "amor" and I just didn't like that. I'm Spanish myself, but it just felt like a very forced aesthetic this year along with Mean Girls-ish quotes on things. I like a good Mean Girls reference as much as the next person, but the way they approached it felt odd. I'm reading this back and realizing I'm almost going on a rant here. I shouldn't be this passionate about Target home goods, but in my sleep deprived state this is the battle I'm choosing haha.
Moving on from the mug, the heart-shaped bowl felt like the perfect find to use as a candy bowl on the counter. It's priced at $2.59, which I didn't think was too much considering the quality. It's an actual bowl meant for food not decoration like how I'm using it, so it definitely merits having a bit of a bigger price on it. The trivet was an especially cute find at $3 and I was surprised at how tough it is. Like it's a hard material, but for some reason I was initially expecting it to be more of a cloth-like material. All in all, like I said before, these were some of my favorite finds and I would definitely recommend nabbing them up.
Bullseye's Playground | Wall Signs
Now in terms of Bullseye's Playground these are probably my favorite picks. There is nothing more that I love than hanging up some wall signs for the season or holiday. It's that perfect blend of being festive whilst still being low-key. I'm not sure how many other sign selections were available as both stops I went to only seemed to have these layering around mixed in with other items. Each one of these signs came in at $3 each, which I thought was such a great price for them as they are well-sized. And the quality feels great for the price too. Now what I found surprising was in the Valentine's Day section where they have the candy and such there were some similar wall signs... for double the price. Seriously. I think they were a little more hard-core Valentines Day themed, but I much prefer these instead. I mean at least to me, the 'i love us.' sign feels like something I can leave hanging up for a quite a while past the holiday. I'd much rather have something I can use for a while like this than something super red and obnoxious that is over-priced and only usable for a few weeks.
Bullseye's Playground | Scented Candle & Succulent Plant
I cannot get enough of both of these items! Especially because both can be used well outside of Valentines Day. In fact I plan on using these all the way through to Fall if I'm being honest. That said these were priced at just $3 each. Not the worst deal in the world. However the candle doesn't even smell that good, haha. Not that I really expected it to, but like it smells just plain bad and that's disappointing considering the cute packaging. This was actually one of the first times I even bother picking up a candle in Bullseye's Playground. I picked it up due to the container moreso than the candle itself, haha. They did have quite a variety of succulent plants with this particular design coming in about 3-4 different colors. They also had some other more themed ones like there was one that was a colorful llama and one that was a cat. They were a little too cheesy for my liking so I just opted for this plain one. The hardest part is finding a plant that doesn't look like someone ran it over with a semi-truck.
Side note: I wrote out an entire paragraph about how these were not worth the price of $5. It was only after that I realized they were actually priced at $3 not $5. Sigh. Lesson here is I need more sleep before I type up posts.
Bullseye's Playground | Jewelry Dishes
I feel like jewelry dishes are one of those things that I cannot own enough of. I don't even own enough actual jewelry for all the dishes I have laying around, haha. I kind of regret these purchases... Is that bad to say? Ugh. Feels bad.The items themselves were cute enough and they definitely fit the vibe around my house well. I did feel these were very over-priced as well coming in at $3 each. For the size of them I feel like they could have been priced at a $1 easily. Kind of disappointing, but at the same time they are so cute that I don't hate myself for getting them. I think there was one other design, but it was too similar to the heart to justify getting it as well.
Bullseye's Playground | Gift Box
I'll be honest... I don't know why I got this, haha. It's meant as a gift box to give your Valentine a cute present in, which is definitely a great buy at $3. I don't see myself using it as intended, but instead I have it as a decor piece on the mantle. Is it cute? Yes. Was it needed? No. I'm not so much torn on this item though because at the end of the day it was just $3 and I could use it to store some of the items after Valentines is over. I will say though, like the planters, this is one of those things that is hard to find in good condition in the store. They seem to get beat-up easily and even this one had some marks on the front of it. To be fair though I think most items in this section of the store just get needlessly tossed around. So it's always a good thing to triple check the stuff you find to make sure it's not broken or badly scratched up.
And that's a wrap on my small Target haul for Valentine's Day this year! I feel like whomever was in charge of pricing items this year didn't do that great of a job. I think part of my problem was the fact that there were no good or cute items for a $1 this time around. At least none that I could find. I know it's not considered the 'Dollar Spot' anymore since the store redesign. But back for Halloween at least I found cute mini wall signs for a $1. There was only one item (a candy jar) that I really wanted this year and couldn't find in the few stores I went to. So I don't know, it felt more like a miss than a hit this time around for me. At least in comparison to Halloween it felt very lackluster with the decoration items. What do you guys think? And of course let me know what you guys have picked up to decorate the house with! Catch you next time xoxo Moonbaes.
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